Photo Gallery of Heinrich Pünter's Swiss Homeland

The following are pictures of the village of Stäfa, Zurich, Switzerland, and surrounding areas, and includes
pictures of a local winery and its owner and distant relative August (Gusti) Pünter.

Click each image to enlarge.

Ken enters Stäfa, Zurich, Switzerland
A view of the south side of Lake Zurich from Stäfa
On a hill overlooking Stäfa and Lake Zurich
Stäfa, Zurich, Switzerland
Heinrich's family Church - The Reformed Evangelical Church of Stäfa, after renovation
More Stäfa
A Weinbau is a Winery
Ken visits with Katherin and August Pünter
A view of the Pünter Weinbau
A view of the Pünter Weinbau
A view of the Pünter Weinbau
Another great view traveling south from Stäfa to Italy
Another great view traveling south from Stäfa to Italy
Possible site of Heinrich's home in the early 1800s
Possible site of Heinrich's home in early 1800s
Inside the Stäfa Church
Building is which a member of the Pünter Tree A operated a Tannery
A building in Stäfa dated 1756
A view of Stäfa and Lake Zurich
One of the oldest buildings in Stäfa