Photo Gallery of Abramo and Annina's Italian Homeland

Comune of Sambuca Pistoiese, Pistoia, Italy

These pictures show the village of Sambuca and the old castle located there, and the countryside of the Comune of Sambuca Pistoiese.

Click each image to enlarge.

Village of Case Pieli

These images are of the village of Case Pieli where Annina Cecchini was born and raised. The village is abandoned now and in a state of disrepair.

Village of Stabiazzoni

These pictures are of the village of Stabiazzoni where Abramo Filippini was born and raised. This village has been restored and is an active villlage in the summer months

Abramo's home
Cornerstone of Abramo's home with the date of 1558 or 1658
Old lantern
Flat stones for making Necci
Stabiazzoni church
Ken and Sauro Agostini in front of Abramo's home
Stabbiazoni rooftop
Fireplace inside of Abramo's home
Stabiazzoni from high above
The Via Francigena (a main road from Rome to northern countries) passes through Stabiazzoni
Another part of the Via Francigena in Stabiazzoni

Town of Pistoia

These pictures show the town of Pistoia on a sunny Sunday afternoon in May.

The Italian Connection

These pictures were taken while at dinner in Pistoia, Italy, while Diane and I were visiting there in May, 2009. Loris Filippini is a cousin to Abramo and Anna's children.

Loris Filippini (1932 - 2008)
Sauro Agostini (son-in-law of Loris), Sara Filippini (daughter of Andrea) and friend.
Delia Filippini (wife of Loris) (?- 2012), Andrea Filippini (son of Loris)
Marzia Agostini (wife of Sauro and daughter of Loris) Franca Santiloni (wife of Andrea) and Evelina Agostini (daughter of Sauro)
Dario Agostini (son of Sauro)
Ken and Diane